Lease Disputes

Disputes frequently arise over leases and their terms. As such, it’s imperative to seek legal advice before entering into a lease agreement. Even after careful planning, you could find yourself involved in a dispute, which could become very costly and time consuming to deal with.

A few occasions that could result in a lease dispute are:

  • A failure to pay rent
  • Breaching the terms of a lease
  • Causing damage to the premises
  • Failing to maintain the premises
  • A refusal to vacate whenever a lease has expired
  • Landlords who fail to provide tenants with quiet enjoyment of their rentals
  • Withholding a security deposit
  • A landlord locking out a tenant without first providing notification of a breach

The lawyers at Lieberman Armstrong will provide you with practical advice concerning your rights and responsibilities under any lease agreement. As skilled litigators, we can also provide you with competent legal representation during any alternative dispute resolution or court proceeding.